New Vinyl

Freewheelin' - Bob Dylan

Freewheelin' by Bob Dylan

Price: $ 23.98 | Buy Now
Condition: New & Sealed
Label: We Are Vinyl Re-ish
Label: We Are Vinyl Re-ish

One of the great "pre-electric Bob" records that he released. Heck, it's one of best Bob Dylan records ever, if not one of the better records of all time. It's stellar. We listen to this record and forget that was released in 1963 and most of the songs do not sound dated at all, especially "Masters Of War" and "Don't Think Twice". This photo of Dylan with then girlfriend Suze Rotolo is one of the more iconic photos and album covers of all time. We know you have this on CD, perhaps an old record, isn't it time you got a reissue? We think so.